Graduation date: 2006
For the first objective of this thesis, we attempt to understand the role of water flow and directionality in determining steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and spring/summer and fall Chinook (O. tschawytscha) migration patterns within the Columbia River Estuary and plume by integrating recent advances in biotelemetry and environmental observation and forecasting systems (EOFS). The underlying methodology included analysis of the spatial and temporal movements of juvenile outmigrant salmonids with hydrological data from the CORIE modeling system ( The CORIE modeling system, an EOFS for the Columbia River and nearshore environment, integrates a real-time sensor network, data management system and advanced 3-dimensional numerical models. Numerical simulations of key physical variables (water level, velocities, and directionality) were generated for the precise time and location that individual juvenile salmonids implanted with radio transmitters were present in the Columbia River Estuary. Five general behavioral trends were evident from these simulations: i) passive movement (drifting) during ebb tides, ii) active swimming with the current during ebb tides, iii) active swimming against the current during flood tides, iv) active swimming cross current during flood tides, and v) passive drifting during flood tide. Direction of water flow had a significant effect on fish velocity. All fish types showed a positive relationship between fish velocity and simulated drifter velocity with outgoing water flow. During slack water flow (< 0.25 m/s), this relationship was only observed in barged fall Chinook. With incoming water flow, spring/summer and fall Chinook fish types showed no relationship, whereas steelhead did. Analysis over a three-year period suggested that data from the CORIE modeling system corresponded well with juvenile salmonid migratory behavior and that the model may be a useful tool for evaluating the impact of different hydrological regimes on fish movement.
The secondary objective of this thesis evaluated the effects of both acute and chronic crowding stressors on the migratory behavior of hatchery reared juvenile steelhead released into Abernathy Creek, a tributary of the Columbia River Estuary, Washington. The acute stress treatment consisted of surgical implantation of a NanoTag radio transmitter (Lotek Wireless, Canada), followed by 6 hours of crowding immediately prior to release. The chronic stress treatment consisted of surgical implantation of a PIT-tag (Digital Angel Corporation), 36 days of acclimation, followed by 3 weeks of crowding in low water conditions prior to release. Short-term migratory success of steelhead that received the acute stress treatment was determined by radio telemetry. Numbers of migrating fish that received experimental stress treatments and their speed was determined by both mobile radio telemetry and stationary PIT-tag and radio-tag interrogation systems already established on Abernathy Creek. Acute and chronic stress treatments both significantly delayed migration by 2 to 10 days, respectively, compared to controls. Furthermore, the acute stress treatment significantly decreased the both the rate of migration and numbers of juvenile steelhead that successfully migrated out of Abernathy creek.