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McKenzie River focus watershed coordination : year end report 2000

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dc.date 2007-04-25T20:27:22Z
dc.date 2007-04-25T20:27:22Z
dc.date 2000-01
dc.date.accessioned 2013-10-16T07:47:54Z
dc.date.available 2013-10-16T07:47:54Z
dc.date.issued 2013-10-16
dc.identifier Thrailkil, Jim - McKenzie Watershed Council, McKenzie River Focus Watershed Coordination Year End Report - Fiscal Year 2000, Report to Bonneville Power Administration, Contract No. 00004117, Project No. 199607000, 12 electronic pages (BPA Report DOE/BP-00004117-1)
dc.identifier http://hdl.handle.net/1957/4647
dc.identifier.uri http://koha.mediu.edu.my:8181/xmlui/handle/1957/4647
dc.description This report summarizes accomplishments of the McKenzie River Focus Watershed Council (MWC) in the areas of coordination and administration during Fiscal Year 2000. Coordination and administration consist of prioritization and planning for projects; project management and implementation; procurement of funding for long-term support of the Council; and watershed education/outreach program for residents and local schools. Key accomplishments in the area of project planning include coordinating: monthly Council and executive committee meetings; staffing the Upper Willamette Spring Chinook Working Group; staffing the water quality technical committee; and guiding education and stewardship projects. Key accomplishments in the area of project management include the completion of the McKenzie-Willamette Confluence Assessment; securing funds for project planning in the confluence area; near completion of the BPA funded McKenzie sub-basin assessment; development of a framework for a McKenzie Watershed Conservation Strategy; an evaluation of Council’s monitoring programs - ambient water quality, storm-event water quality, Tier III water quality, and macroinvertebrate monitoring. The Council, in cooperation with the McKenzie River Cooperative, completed habitat enhancements in the Gate Creek and Deer Creek sub-watersheds. This partnership recently submitted Bring Back the Natives grant for initiation of projects in other McKenzie tributaries. The Council will also be working with a local business to develop a river-side riparian enhancement and native landscaping project on the lodge grounds. This will serve as a demonstration project for blending fish and wildlife habitat concerns with maintaining grounds for business opportunities. Accomplishments in the area of procurement of funding included developing the FY2000 Scope of Work and budget for approval by the Council and BPA; providing quarterly budget and work program progress reports to the Council; and securing additional funding from Council partner organizations and foundations. Highlights in the area of watershed education/outreach include the MWC’s lead role in convening the Watershed Education Network for teachers as part of its educational mission; production of newsletters and brochures; and coordination of media coverage of watershed-related issues. MWC completed all tasks outlined in the FY2000 Scope of Work with the following staff: Watershed Coordinator (1.0 FTE), Project Coordinator (.25 FTE), and Education Coordinator (0.5 FTE). Coordination of these activities by MWC improves resource stewardship and protects fish and wildlife habitat through increased collaboration among Federal, state, and local government agencies, and landowners within the watershed. Increasing awareness and expanding knowledge affects behavior positively and promotes attitudes that encourage watershed stewardship. During Fiscal Year 2001, MWC intends to focus on an Implementation Strategy based on the McKenzie sub-basin assessment results; implementation of projects recommended from the McKenzie-Willamette confluence assessment; and increasing its presence at the local level through contact with watershed residents and groups.
dc.language en_US
dc.publisher Portland, Or. : Bonneville Power Administration
dc.relation Statistics and Data -- General Watershed Information
dc.relation Photos and Videos -- Photos
dc.relation Explorer Site -- Oregon Explorer
dc.relation Explorer Site -- Willamette Explorer
dc.subject Thematic Classification -- Habitats and Vegetation
dc.subject Thematic Classification -- Water and Air -- Water Quality
dc.subject Thematic Classification -- Water and Air -- Rivers and Streams
dc.subject Thematic Classification -- Water and Air -- Watersheds and Hydrologic Units
dc.subject Thematic Classification -- Land and People
dc.subject Thematic Classification -- Plants and Animals -- Fish
dc.subject Thematic Classification -- Plants and Animals -- Wildlife
dc.title McKenzie River focus watershed coordination : year end report 2000
dc.type Technical Report

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