Two blends (Natural and Phillips) of the western pine shoot borer
pheromone, formulated as Hercon Luretape, were applied to six ponderosa
pine plantations in northern Idaho and western Montana in 1984. The
treatment was approximately 21.6 grams of pheromone per hectare.
Significant reductions in damage have occurred in all treated
plantations. Damage has been reduced most in plantations that are not
surrounded by pine stands which provide a reservoir of moths that can
reinvade treated areas. The best results to date have been a reduction of
infested terminals from 50.9 to 1.6 percent after 2 years of treatment.
Population trends in nearby check areas were either static or increasing.
Treatment effects of both the Natural and Phillips formulations were
significantly different from the control at the 99 percent level.
However, these treatments were not different from each other.