An evaluation was made during midsummer 1972 to measure damage by
the carpenterworm, Prionoxystus robiniae, and the ash borer,
Podosesia syringae, to green ash in windbreaks in North Dakota.
Intensity of infestation was determined in four land resource areas
and four age classes of windbreaks. Of the 96 windbreaks examined
Statewide, the ash borer was present in 51 percent and the carpenterworm
in 28.1 percent. The carpenterworm predominated in trees older
than 16 years, and the ash borer was more prevalent in trees under
15 years old. Damage by borers was greatest in the southwestern
quarter of North Dakota where the carpenterworm had attacked 23.4
percent of the trees and the ash borer 7.2 percent. Damage by
borers was negligible in the remainder of the State.
The carpenterworm can be considered a minor problem in the eastern
half of North Dakota. However, the presence of the ash borer in
more than half the windbreaks sampled Statewide makes this insect
a potential threat to their management. Control measures are
available and should be applied where owners are concerned.