Report completed by the Forest Fuels and Hazard Mitigation Work Group for the 2004 Oregon Fire Program Review. Prepared by the Institute for Natural Resources at Oregon State University, under contract with the Oregon Department of Forestry.
As part of the 2004 Oregon Fire Program Review, the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) formed the Forest Fuels and Hazard Mitigation (FFHM) Committee to assess hazardous fuel loading issues, and recommend ways to reduce risk, and improve and strengthen the multiple hazard mitigation strategies in Oregon.
A statewide wildfire risk assessment and a strategy for helping communities develop and implement Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) were completed as part of the FFHM Committee’s work. The Committee also developed specific recommendations for interagency coordination on hazardous fuels treatment, citizen incentives, information acquisition and dissemination, maintenance of treated areas, and biomass utilization.