Using the existing ODF program as a guide, this report will stress the importance of
cooperation and collaboration between agencies, landowners, industry, and citizens to create more successful public awareness and education programs. In this report we
discuss improved Department emphasis on prevention, better training for those who need to implement fire prevention outreach, small changes in State statutes, and more focused education efforts to increase citizen understanding of their responsibility in wildfire prevention. This report will also show the need to shift gears and help the public recognize that human-caused wildfires are largely the result of landowner activities on their own lands. Additionally, we will describe the need for a formal training program – cooperatively financed and managed by federal, state, and private agencies – for fire prevention
professionals who serve in pubic education and outreach roles. Finally this report will
emphasize that while it is essential to increase public awareness of the wildfire problem through contacts at fairs, home shows, and other public events, it is through targeted public education that behaviors can best be modified or changed.