The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of regular endurance training on treatmentprocedure of addicted males. The subjects in this experiment were volunteers for treatment inselected opium therapy centers of Tehran. The highly motivated participants for treatmentselected as statistical population. 288 addicted people [ 22 – 24 years old, weight 62+ 3.5 kg,height 169.3 + 2.7 cm, addiction duration 2 + 0.3 years and Vo2 max 38+ 6.3(ml/kg/min)] whomtreated with methadone, and different usual treatment procedures like Ultra Rapid OpiumTherapy (UROT), day treatment, treatment at home and acrostic methods were selected. For thisreason, RTCQ (readiness to change questionnaire), ASUP (addiction substances using pattern)questionnaires were used. Urine analysis was used to detect treatment period and recovery andlapse indicators. Bruce test and clinical survey were used for eight control and experimentalgroups. After treatment procedure, regular exercises were started in experimental groups.Schedule of exercise was 3days per week continues aerobic training during 8 weeks and itstraining patterns for participants were assessed and devised by trained physicians. Recovery andlapse during treatment period was detected by urine analysis. Findings suggests lapse in addictedpeoples who used regular trainings were less than the others. This findings show that regulartraining has bilateral effect on VO2max and better treatments in experimental groups.