The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of three months regular aerobic exercises onlevels of hsCRP; TG; HDL; body composition and aerobic power in middle aged healthy andinactive men. Subjects of this study in experimental group included 11 men and in control groupincluded 10 men. They participated in a course of aerobic exercise with their 75 to 85 maximumheart rate for three months. Their levels of hsCRP; TG and HDL; aerobic power and status ofbody composition were measured previous and after exercises. Analysis of data showedsignificant elevation of aerobic power and significant reduction in BMI; hsCRP; TG andTG/HDL but no significant change was observed in percent body fat; visceral fat area and HDL(P<0.05). Thus three months aerobic exercises can be effective in reduction of coronary arterydisease risk in middle aged healthy and inactive men.