Kevin Lamberts; Irmgard Kalf; Amr Ramadan; Paul Müller; Richard Dronskowski; Ulli Englert
The chain polymer [{Cd(μ-X)2py2}1∞] (X = Cl, Br; py = pyridine) undergoes a fully reversible phase transition between a monoclinic low-temperature and an orthorhombic high-temperature phase. The transformation can be directly monitored in single crystals and can be confirmed for the bulk by powder diffraction. The transition temperature can be adjusted by tuning the composition of the mixed-halide phase: Transition temperatures between 175 K up to the decomposition of the material at ca. 350 K are accessible. Elemental analysis, ion chromatography and site occupancy refinements from single-crystal X-ray diffraction agree with respect to the stoichiometric composition of the samples.