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dc.creator Boris Zubry 2010 2013-05-30T11:50:09Z 2013-05-30T11:50:09Z 2013-05-30
dc.description For a number of years already I’ve been absolutely fascinated, no, hypnotized, yes, hypnotized, by the Big Bang theory. What a fantastic theory that is. Have you heard of that one? It’s a big one. It’s a popular one. It was everywhere and still is as far as I know. Books, articles, documentaries, lectures, TV programs, and much more – it’s all there. Oh, how much I wanted to be there, at the beginning, witnessing it all. I wanted to see the Big Bang and whatever happened right after but it was so long ago, well before my time. I bet I am not alone with my dreams and what a dream that is. What really happened back then and there? How much do we really know and how much is a pure speculation? Keywords: Big Bang theory; Universe; stars; sun; planets; energy; magnetic field; gravitation; Edwin Hubble; Galaxies; Mobius strip; black holes; Doppler; matter; antimatter; Hoyle; Hawking; Perpetuum Mobile; pulsating.
dc.language eng
dc.publisher Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures
dc.source Advances in Natural Science
dc.subject Big Bang theory
dc.subject Universe
dc.subject stars
dc.subject sun
dc.subject planets
dc.subject energy
dc.subject magnetic field
dc.subject gravitation
dc.subject Edwin Hubble
dc.subject Galaxies
dc.subject Mobius strip
dc.subject black holes
dc.subject Doppler
dc.subject matter
dc.subject antimatter
dc.subject Hoyle
dc.subject Hawking
dc.subject Perpetuum Mobile
dc.subject pulsating.
dc.title Big Bang & Co.

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