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Natural Selection Intensity in Settibalija - A Mendelian Human Population from South India

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dc.creator Deva S.R.S. Prakash
dc.creator Godi Sudhakar
dc.date 2011
dc.date.accessioned 2013-05-30T11:48:44Z
dc.date.available 2013-05-30T11:48:44Z
dc.date.issued 2013-05-30
dc.identifier http://www.antrocom.net/upload/sub/antrocom/070111/10-Antrocom.pdf
dc.identifier http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=openurl&genre=article&issn=19732880&date=2011&volume=7&issue=1&spage=111
dc.identifier.uri http://koha.mediu.edu.my:8181/jspui/handle/123456789/4830
dc.description The selection intensity indices were computed based on the demographic information pertaining to fertility and mortality among Settibalija, an endogamous Mendelian population of Andhra Pradesh, South India. The total fertility and mortality indices are slightly lower than other Andhra populations studied earlier. In the present caste population, the selection is manifested primarily through differential fertility rather than mortality, which is a not deviation from general trend. The results are discussed in the light of earlier studies on some caste and tribal populations inhabiting Andhra Pradesh, South India.
dc.publisher Antrocom Onlus
dc.source Antrocom : Online Journal of Anthropology
dc.subject Natural Selection
dc.subject Fertility
dc.subject Mortality
dc.subject Andhra Caste.
dc.title Natural Selection Intensity in Settibalija - A Mendelian Human Population from South India

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