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Findings of Breast Sonography in Patients with Foal Asymmetric Breast Density on Mammography

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dc.creator Z Zare
dc.creator T Faghihi Langroudi
dc.date 2011
dc.date.accessioned 2013-05-30T11:34:58Z
dc.date.available 2013-05-30T11:34:58Z
dc.date.issued 2013-05-30
dc.identifier www.ircmj.com
dc.identifier http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=openurl&genre=article&issn=15614395&date=2011&volume=13&issue=6&spage=404
dc.identifier.uri http://koha.mediu.edu.my:8181/jspui/handle/123456789/4692
dc.description Background: The imaging parameters that mandate further diagnostic workup in focal asymmetric breast densitiesare not clearly defined. To identify indications for further workup in Focal asymmetric breast densities (FABD)by doing ultrasonography.Methods: One-hundred women underwent breast ultrasonography after incidental discovery of FABD on mammograms.Mammograms and sonograms were evaluated for lesion location, associated calcifications, architecturaldistortion and change from previous examination when available.Results: Twenty three patients had abnormal sonographic findings and the site of sonographic abnormal findings was thesame as the site of FABD on mammography. Sonographic findings were 7 focal increases in fibrous tissue, 5 ductalectasias,4 simple cysts, complex cyst in one, 4 benign solid masses, one malignant solid mass and one with fibrous tissueat the site of pervious breast surgery. There was a significant relation between FABD in upper inner quadrant and normalsonography (p=0.036) and FABD in retroareolar region and ductal ectasia in sonography (p=0.002).Conclusion: FABD usually present a benign etiology and can safely be managed by follow up. Sonographyhelps the physician do tissue diagnosis by detecting mass with features of possibly malignancy, in the womenwith negative physical examination.
dc.publisher Iranian Hospital, Dubai
dc.source Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal
dc.subject Asymmetric
dc.subject Breast
dc.subject Density
dc.subject Mammography
dc.subject Sonography
dc.title Findings of Breast Sonography in Patients with Foal Asymmetric Breast Density on Mammography

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