11 pages, 9 figures.-- Submitted to Europ. Phys. J. B
We study Brownian motors driven by colored non Gaussian noises, both in the overdamped regime and in the case with inertia, and analyze how the departure of the noise distribution from Gaussian behavior can affect its behavior. We analyze the problem from two alternative points of view: one oriented mainly to possible technological applications and the other more inspired in natural systems. In both cases we find an enhancement of current and efficiency due to the non-Gaussian character of the noise. We also discuss the possibility of observing an enhancement of the mass separation capability of the system when non-Gaussian noises are considered.
Partial support from ANPCyT, Argentine agency, is acknowledged. HSW wants to thank the European Commission for the award of a
"Marie Curie Chair", and the IFCA and Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain, for the kind hospitality extended to him.
Peer reviewed