Based on a comprehensive description of Sigma-Delta (ΣΔ) modulation operating principles, this course presents an overview of the advances in architectures, circuits, models, methods and practical considerations for the design of high-performance CMOS ΣΔ A/D interfaces - from system to physical level design - as well as packaging and test. The course is divided into three theoretical lectures and two practical sessions. The first lecture describes the basic concepts, fundamentals and architectures and makes a revision of the state-of-the-art on CMOS ΣΔ ADC integrated circuits. The second lecture moves farther down to the circuit- and physical level to present the building blocks normally used to implement ΣΔ ADCs as well as the impact of their error mechanisms. The analyses and models covered in the first two lectures form the basis of a systematic design methodology described in the third session, where a SIMulink-based SIgma-DElta Simulator (SIMSIDES) is introduced. Finally, as an application, two practical exercises will be carried out by using SIMSIDES in order to put in practice the knowledge learned in the course.
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