2nd version of the paper (11 Dec 2007), first one submitted on 21 Jul 2007).-- Submitted to Europ. Phys. J. B (LaTex, 16 pgs, 8 figures).
We analyze the effect of a colored non Gaussian noise on a model of a random walker moving along a ratchet potential. Such a model was motivated by the transport properties of motor proteins, like kinesin and myosin. Previous studies have been realized assuming white noises. However, for real situations, in general we could expect that those noises be correlated and non Gaussian. Among other aspects, in addition to a maximum in the current as the noise intensity is varied, we have also found another optimal value of the current when departing from Gaussian behavior. We show the relevant effects that arise when departing from Gaussian behavior, particularly related to current's enhancement, and discuss its relevance for both biological and technological situations.
SEM acknowledges financial support from CONICET, Argentina, PIP 5072, and from
UNMdP, EXA 338/06. HSW acknowledges financial support from MEC, Spain, through
Grant No. CGL2004-02652/CLI, and thanks the European Commission for the award of a
Marie Curie Chair during part of the development of this work.