We have isolated and sequenced Ha UbiS, a cDNA for a dryseed-
stored mRNA that encodes tetraubiquitin. We have observed
differential accumulation of tetraubiquitin mRNAs during sunflower
(Helianthus annuus 1.) zygotic embryogenesis. These mRNAs were
up-regulated during late embryogenesis and reached higher prevalence
in the dry seed, where they were found to be associated
mainly with provascular tissue. UbiS mRNA, as confirmed by RNase
A protection experiments, accumulated also in response to heat
shock, but only in leaves and later during postgerminative development.
These novel observations demonstrate expression during seed
maturation of specific plant polyubiquitin transcripts and developmental
regulation of their heat-shock response. Using ubiquitin
antibodies we also detected discrete, seed-specific proteins with
distinct temporal expression patterns during zygotic embryogenesis.
Some of these patterns were concurrent with UbiS mRNA
accumulation in seeds. The most abundant ubiquitin-reacting proteins
found in mature seeds were small (16-22 kD) and acidic
(isoelectric points of 6.1-7.4). Possible functional implications for
UbiS expression elicited from these observations are discussed.
This work was funded through grants BIO90-O759 and
81093-0023 from Comisión lnterministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología
(CICYT). C.A. was a recipient of a postdoctoral contract from
the Spanish CICYT. M.A.C. was supported by a Ph.D. fellowship
from the Spanish “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.”
Peer reviewed