The niche space of a species has been defined as the region in N-dimensional
environmental hyperspace in which the fitness of the individuals is positive. In zooplankton
assemblages, there has been little consideration of how different density-dependent (i.e. resources)
and density-independent (i.e. conditions) environmental factors relate to fitness components in the
field, namely survival and reproduction. We studied the abundance and reproduction (egg ratio)
variability of seven species of pelagic rotifers living in a high-mountain lake and their relation to a
number of environmental factors by means of partial canonical correspondence analyses. The
generally higher explanatory capacity of conditions over resources suggests that habitat
partitioning among species largely relies on historical processes, which are internalised in life
history traits of spatial and temporal habitat use. However, the increase in the relevance of
resources when considering reproduction, as compared to abundance, indicates that there is still an
on-going interactive niche segregation process among rotifer species, which affects present and
future rotifer assemblages in the lake. Our study shows the value of considering measurements
close to fitness components (e.g. egg ratio) for detecting on-going niche segregation processes in
zooplankton, which may help to resolve paradoxes in relation to species coexistence in natural
Peer reviewed