The relationship between the scyphozoan Nausitoe punctata and the horny sponges
Cacospongia scalans, Dysidea avara and D. fragdis was analyzed. Evidence was found for utilization of
the thecae of N. punctata as a substitute for skeletal fibres. Consequently some metabolic costs
associated with skeleton-buildng may be reduced for the sponge. Further potential benefits for the
scyphozoan, e.g. protection against predation and mechanical disturbance, and trophic advantages, are
discussed This association is suggested to be non-parasitic and mutualistic, and widely distributed
among 6 orders and 8 families of the Demospongiae which occur throughout the Northwestern
This study was supported by Project CICYT MAR91-0528
(Marine Resources and Aquaculture National Program) and a
'Generalitat de Catalunya' fellowship.
Peer reviewed