After some years residing in Spain, Peruvian women who arrived in the 90´s have been able to acceed to better jobs in the domestic service and cleaning sectors. Women think these are better jobs mainly because they are not subjected to a live-in regime in the employer´s home. Other women try their luck in the catering and retail trade sectors. A substitution of women from different nationalities and from different lenghts of stay, in the worst paid an most limiting jobs, is possible because there are some determining factors here appointed. All together explain why Peruvian women as a whole show comparatively slightly more occupational mobility that women from other nationalities who may be even longer in Spain. However, the article remarks that the new conquered jobs are still low qualified, low paid and considered, falling back into the assigment of femenine and low recognised service tasks on women. The final consideration suggests that the debate about the social valorization of domestic work, the share of these duties between men and women and the necessary conciliation of the housework with the paid work, is still open.