Publicado en: Trimestre Fiscal (Instituto para el Desarrollo Técnico de las Haciendas Públicas, Guadalajara, México), 80: 35-99, 2005
The paper presents the retirement system’s reform planned by Silvio Berlusconi’s Government in Italy. Since the ‘90s the Italian social security has become a mix structure, where the features of the public “pay-as-you go” system and the ones of the complementary private system, have balanced each other. Nowadays the government’s political proposals aim at modifying this equilibrium in order to create a more sustainable system and also to adapt it to the demographic changes. In this paper there is a descriptive and critical analysis of that reform process before it comes in force. The study is focused on the conditions of the plan of action through the initial problems and the perpectives of its possible development in the short time.
Peer reviewed