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Title: The Quality of Life in Pre-Lingual Deaf Children after 1.5 Years of Cochlear Implantation from the Point of View of Parents in Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: Quality of life
Cochlear implant
Issue Date: 30-May-2013
Publisher: Iranian Hospital, Dubai
Description: Background: As much of the studies on cochlear implantation (CI) have concentrated on aspects of speechperception and production, we studied the quality of life in pre-lingual deaf children in Shiraz, Iran.Methods: Twenty four parents were selected from those families that their children were implanted by Fars CICenter. The quality of life questionnaire was used and after 3 months was evaluated again.Results: Significant changes were noticed in parent's satisfaction. The parents believed that the childrencommunicated better, but they still needed special care to do school works, etc. Also they had still difficulty inarticulation.Conclusion: CI was significantly associated with improvement of quality of life, especially in communication,happiness and relations with their friends and family members.
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