ScholarsArchive@OSU Collection home page

ScholarsArchive@OSU is Oregon State University's digital service for gathering, indexing, making available and storing the scholarly work of the Oregon State University community. It also includes materials from outside the institution in support of the university's land, sun, sea and space grant missions and other research interests. Harvested from :

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 6163
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Oct-2013The Philippine Fisheries System : a management planning perspectiveNeal, Victor T.; Schoning, Robert
16-Oct-2013Six months with the NOAA oil and hazardous materials project : an account of experiences and impressions-
16-Oct-2013The economic importance of boating recreation in Oregon-
16-Oct-2013Analysis and review of policy, decision making and politics regarding finfish aquaculture in Alaska-
16-Oct-2013Oceanographic features along the Kenyan Coast : implications for fisheries management and development-
16-Oct-2013Port pricing and cargo handling in port of Portland and implications for Somalia's port system-
16-Oct-2013Shoreline setbacks on the island of Maui, Hawaii : an analysis of shoreline variability, existing policy, and recommended alternatives-
16-Oct-2013Low latitude island beach processes-
16-Oct-2013Internship experience with the Consortium for International Fisheries and Aquaculture Development (CIFAD): its formation and establishment-
16-Oct-2013The Chilean king crab industry : a descriptive analysis-
16-Oct-2013Pacific Blue Marlin management in Hawaii: review of the Blue Marlin Fishery and an assessment of the current management needs-
16-Oct-2013Permanent moorages and temporary tie-up facilities in the Portland/Vancouver metropolitan area: meeting the needs of the larger recreational boat-
16-Oct-2013Sediment transfer and storage in headwater basins of the Oregon Coast Range : transit times from 14C dated depositsLancaster, Stephen T.; Meigs, Andrew; Noller, Jay; Grant, Gordon
16-Oct-2013Estuary development - the regulatory process-
16-Oct-2013An internship at NWAFC : the Bering Sea crab database-
16-Oct-2013The role of women in the fisheries of Palau-
16-Oct-2013The status of aquaculture in South America-
16-Oct-2013Length-based fish stock assessment in Senegal-
16-Oct-2013Preliminary plan to develop some marine resources in the Atlantic Coast of HondurasNeal, Victor
16-Oct-2013Spiny lobster fishery of Brazil-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 6163
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