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Showing results 1 to 20 of 82  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
9-Oct-2013A distributed Poisson approximation for preempt-resume clocked schedulesKeilson, Julian; Servi, Les D.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013A faster strongly polynomial minimum cost flow algorithmOrlin, James B., 1953-; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013A linearization and decomposition algorithm for computing urban traffic equilibriaAashtiani, Hedayat Zokaei; Magnanti, Thomas L.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013A method for the parametric center problem, with a strictly monotone polynomial-time algorithm for linear programmingFreund, Robert M.; Tan, Kok-Choon; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013A nested decomposition method for vehicle routing and schedulingLee, Anthony Owen; Shapiro, Jeremy F., 1939-; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013A new algebraic geometry algorithm for integer programmingBertsimas, Dimitris J.; Perakis, Georgia; Sridhar Tayur; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013A PC-oriented interactive tool for finding efficient solutions to emergency planning problemsMadsen, Oli B. G.; Larson, Richard C., 1943-; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013A queuing theory, Bayesian model for the circulation of books in a libraryMorse, Philip M., 1903-; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013A response time estimator for police patrol dispatchingSchaack, Christian; Larson, Richard C., 1943-; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013A two priority M/G/1 queue with feedbackKeilson, Julian; Servi, Les D.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013An algorithm for reliability analysis of planar graphsBienstock, Daniel; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013An analog of Karmarkar's algorithm for inequality constrained linear programs, with a "new" class of projective transformations for centering a polytopeFreund, Robert M.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013An analytic approach to a general class of G/G/s queueing systemsBertsimas, Dimitris J.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013An analytic model for request-based job shopsHollywood, John S.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013An exact FCFS waiting-time analysis for a general class of G/G/s queueing systemsBertsimas, Dimitris J.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013An optimal parallel implementation of a quadratic transportation algorithmMcKenna, Mike; Zenios, Stavros A.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013Analysis of a contingent experimental design : a before-and-after experiment with a baseline period of random durationWillemain, Thomas R.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013Approximate analysis of unreliable transfer lines with rework or scrapping of partsHelber, Stefan, 1963-; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013Bayesian analysis of crime rate changes in before-and-after experimentsWillemain, Thomas R.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013Combinatorial optimization and vehicle fleet planning : perspectives and prospectsMagnanti, Thomas L.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center