Browsing by Author Magnanti, Thomas L.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 76  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
9-Oct-2013A Combined Trip Generation, Trip Distribution, Modal Split and Traffic Assignment Model-
9-Oct-2013A Comparison of Mixed-Integer Programming Models for Non-Convex Piecewise Linear Cost Minimization Problems-
9-Oct-2013A contracting ellipsoid method for variational inequality problemsHammond, Janice H.; Magnanti, Thomas L.
5-Jun-2013A decomposition algorithm for local access telecommunications network expansion planningBalakrishnan, Anantaram.; Magnanti, Thomas L.; Wong, Richard T.
9-Oct-2013A decomposition algorithm for local access telecommunications network expansion planningBalakrishnan, Anantaram; Magnanti, Thomas L.; Wong, Richard T.
9-Oct-2013A Dual Ascent Procedure for Large Scale Uncapacitated Network Design-
1-Jun-2013A dual-based algorithm for multi-level network designBalakrishnan, Anantaram.; Magnanti, Thomas L.; Mirchandani, Prakash.; Sloan School of Management.
9-Oct-2013A Dual-Based Algorithm for Multi-Level Network Design-
9-Oct-2013A Linear Approximation Approach to Duality in Nonlinear Programming-
9-Oct-2013A linearization and decomposition algorithm for computing urban traffic equilibriaAashtiani, Hedayat Zokaei; Magnanti, Thomas L.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013A Polyhedral Intersection Theorem for Capacitated Spanning Trees-
9-Oct-2013A Strong Cutting Plane Algorithm for Production Scheduling with Changeover Costs-
9-Oct-2013A Unifying Geometric Solution Framework and Complexity Analysis for Variational Inequalities-
9-Oct-2013Accelerating Benders' Decomposition: Algorithmic Enhancements and Model Selection Criteria-
1-Jun-2013Analysis of the uncapacitated dynamic lot size problemBitran, Gabriel R.; Magnanti, Thomas L.; Yanasse, Horacio H.
9-Oct-2013Analysis of the Uncapacitated Dynamic Lot Size Problem-
9-Oct-2013Averaging Schemes for Solving Fived Point and Variational Inequality Problems-
9-Oct-2013Capacitated Trees, Capacitated Routing, and Associated Polyhedra-
9-Oct-2013Combinatorial optimization and vehicle fleet planning : perspectives and prospectsMagnanti, Thomas L.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Operations Research Center
9-Oct-2013Complementary Bases of a Matroid-